Marmara University - Turkey
Marmara University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Turkey. Established on 16 January, 1883 under the name Hamidiye Ticaret Mekteb-i Âlisi, and affiliated with the Commercial, Agriculture, Forestry and Mining industry, Marmara University began its life in a house behind the Istanbul High School for Girls in Cağoğlu.
Close to 3,000 academic staff and more than 70,000 students are making contributions to Marmara University’s academic activities today, making it one of the most important institutes of higher education in Turkey. In the academic faculties, including the Economics Faculty, Business Faculty,Faculty of Fine Arts, Political Sciences Faculty, Engineering Faculty, Medicine Faculty, Dentistry Faculty and Theology Faculty, education is provided in five different languages, Turkish, English, French, German and Arabic; these qualities make Marmara the only multilingual university in Turkey.
Marmara University has rapidly expanded, providing education-training and research activities from 1982 on, in the faculties, institutes, schools and vocational schools and research-implementation centers. In addition to education and training, the University has developed in social services, giving great importance to publishing and consultancy projects; in this century when the industrial society has been replaced by the information society, in keeping with the demands of society, the university has made contributions to the development of man power and technology as needed by the country; the education approach of providing solutions to economic, political, cultural and similar problems of the university has been represented at home and abroad.